Just as Apple Computer has built its own network of retail stores to give consumers a hands-on experience with the company's popular iPods and Macintosh computers, Verizon Communications will try something similar in this affluent suburb. Today, Verizon will open its first Verizon Experience storefront, on Main Street in Southlake Town Center.
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At about 5,000 square feet, it's at least twice the size of the company's typical cellphone store and will offer demonstrations of all of Verizon's consumer services, including phone lines and cellphones, Internet access and even fiber-optic television. Pda Discussion ForumsMoto Q Motorola Q.
The company will open a similar store in Virginia and monitor the two stores' performance before deciding whether to extend the concept, said Joe Purdy, store-design and visual-merchandising manager for Verizon. It's the second time Verizon has used Tarrant County to introduce a service. The company use Ringtones On Razr From Card rolled out its FiOS fiber-optic television and Internet broadband service in nearby Keller, another relatively affluent suburb, in 2006.
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Store manager Travis Dodson said the Southlake store will have 32 employees, more that twice the staff of the smaller cellphone stores. The staff will guide consumers through displays that allow them to compare cellphones, Internet speeds and high-definition television, he said